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Cimetrol Super – the wait is over

Cimetrol Super – the wait is over

PelGar International has announced that its new insecticide product Cimetrol Super is now available from stockists. The newly launched Cimetrol Super is the next generation of product for the control of insects and is better than ever.

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What a pest!

What a pest!

In the August 2015 issue of PPC magazine Nic Blaszkowicz outlines the implications of the forthcoming insecticide product withdrawals.

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Unwelcome Guests

Unwelcome Guests

James Heffernan from Ackill Pest Control explains how PelGar products helped with a very tricky pest control problem. The story was told in the July and August 2014 issue of Pest magazine.

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Rats Ahoy!

Rats Ahoy!

In 2013 PelGar International became a part of a unique rodent eradication programme was set up on the Isles of Scilly to protect and enhance the islands’ seabirds and protect them from re-invasion of rats.

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