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Black Rat

Black Rat

Large ears and a slender body, with a tail longer than the combined length of the head and body. Equally at home on the ground or at height. In the urban environment they will be frequently found in a building’s roof or attic space.

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House Mouse

House Mouse

Has grey brown fur which is only slightly lighter on the underside, with a tail which is 80% the length of the head and body combined. The adult weighs on average 15-18 grams. Tend to infest houses and are rarely found outside where they are readily outcompeted by other rodents, like the wood mouse.

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Black Ants

Black Ants

Widely distributed throughout Britain. Frequently close to, and in association with human dwellings. They create their nests outside underground in almost any location which will allow them to burrow.

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Red Poultry Mite

Red Poultry Mite

Found throughout the UK outdoors, infesting wild bird nests. More recently have become a pest of poultry rearing facilities both domestic and commercial. Heavy infestations can cause severe debilitation of the birds and lowered egg production rates.

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Oriental Cockroach

Oriental Cockroach

A large cockroach, 20-24mm long when adult. Primarily a nocturnal pest, preferring a moist environment. A common pest of basements and cellars, and found in association with toilets, behind baths and sinks, where large numbers will congregate around sources of water.

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American Cockroach

American Cockroach

Primarily nocturnal pest, prefers a warm, moist environment with an optimum temperature of 28°C. Live on average for 15 months. Can be distinguished from nymphal stages by the presence of wings.

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